St John's Church, Stratford, E15
St John's Church, Stratford, London E15

Christian Giving is about recognising that Jesus first gave all for us, and we give because we want to be like him. Giving is part of our Christian discipleship. Our Giving reflects our faith and our love for Jesus. We give back to God a proportion of what he has given us.

St John's running costs for 2019 are £177,670. (This amounts to £3,417 per week.)

Did you know that you can give to St John's by Bank Standing Order. Please ask for details at the Information Point.

St John's needs to raise £129,200 from Giving and the Tax Refunds (from the Government) on Giving.

We expect to receive £17,200 in Tax Refunds during 2019. Have you signed a GIFTAID form yet?

St John's spends £1,400 per year to resource our work with Children and Young People.

Gas and Electricity for St John's costs £9,600 per year.

St John's will give away 10% of Giving income (£12,920) to missions and charities in the UK and worldwide.

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